Here is a list of resources that will be available during Engineering the Eye 2018 for participants to use for their hacks. All hardware resources can be availed at the checkout desk during the event. There is also a list of open source software you might find useful for the hackathon.



Ultimaker 2+

Raspberry Pi 3


Oculus Rift DK2 + Oculus Ready PC

Microsoft HoloLens

Zeiss VR ONE Plus

Google Cardboard

Microsoft Kinect

Tobii Eye Tracker

Microsoft LifeCam HD

Logitech c920

ELP Cameras 2MP 1080p

3D VR Stereo Webcam

Miscellaneous (wires, power sources, LEDs)

Refractive Error Trial Lens & Frame Kit


Unity Game Engine (Free for all)

Visual Studio 2017 (Free for all, necessary for HoloLens app development)

Android Studio (Free for all)

Zeiss Visuhealth API